

Knives & Cutting Tools

27 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 27 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 27 products
Art Alternatives A-1 Art & Craft KnivesArt Alternatives A-1 Art & Craft Knives
Art Alternatives A-11 Carbon Steel BladesArt Alternatives A-11 Carbon Steel Blades
Art Alternatives A-2 Aluminum Art & Craft KnifeArt Alternatives A-2 Aluminum Art & Craft Knife
Art Alternatives A-2 Carbon Steel BladesArt Alternatives A-2 Carbon Steel Blades
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Curry's Precision #1 Knife with Guard & Blades
EDGE Green Self-Healing Cutting MatsEDGE Green Self-Healing Cutting Mats
Edge EDGE Green Self-Healing Cutting Mats
Sale priceFrom $7.99 CAD
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Excel #1 Blade PacksExcel #1 Blade Packs
EXCEL Excel #1 Blade Packs
Sale priceFrom $2.99 CAD
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EXCEL Excel #1 Knives
Sale priceFrom $3.69 CAD
Excel Blade 5-PacksExcel Blade 5-Packs
EXCEL Excel Blade 5-Packs
Sale priceFrom $2.75 CAD
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EXCEL Excel Gripster Knife
Sale price$5.99 CAD
EXCEL Excel Knife with Cap
Sale price$4.59 CAD
Excel Single Edge Razor Blade 10 Pack
Excel Swivel KnifeExcel Swivel Knife
EXCEL Excel Swivel Knife
Sale price$7.99 CAD
Heavy Duty Utility Blade Retractable
Light Duty Utility Blade Retractable with Lock
OLFA 180 Snap-Off Cutting Knife
OLFA Compass Cutting KnifeOLFA Compass Cutting Knife
Olfa OLFA Compass Cutting Knife
Sale price$14.99 CAD
Olfa OLFA Heavy-Duty Replacement Blades
Sale priceFrom $11.99 CAD
OLFA Retractabe Touch Knife
Olfa OLFA Retractabe Touch Knife
Sale price$2.99 CAD

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